Bliss EBazar
Elegant High-Neck Velvet BodyCon Mini dress
Elegant High-Neck Velvet BodyCon Mini dress
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High-Neck Velvet BodyCon Dress. Perfect For evening events, parties or a night out ,this dress combines comfort with an alluring aesthetic.
Product Details
- Velvet
- Pattern solid color
- Short Dress/Skirt
- High Neck , Long Sleeve
- Regular sleeve shape
- Mid Waist Type
![Elegant High-Neck Velvet BodyCon Mini dress](
![Elegant High-Neck Velvet BodyCon Mini dress](
![Elegant High-Neck Velvet BodyCon Mini dress](
![Elegant High-Neck Velvet BodyCon Mini dress](
![Elegant High-Neck Velvet BodyCon Mini dress](
![Elegant High-Neck Velvet BodyCon Mini dress](
![Elegant High-Neck Velvet BodyCon Mini dress](
![Elegant High-Neck Velvet BodyCon Mini dress](